February 18, 2011

Feb. Events!

Sorry, we haven't posted in FOREVER!! Mommy lost her camera cord to download photos onto the laptop, so we are super behind on blog posts. Here is a glimpse of Feb. (21 mths. old).
Feb. 3rd
GiGi came to visit!
Watched her little Mary Lou at gymnastics! GiGi was so proud of me!Feb. 5th
At Papa Jay's restaurant in Athens ~ WhipLash Cafe! I'm a member of the clean plate club here... pizza, pasta salad, & bagel melts! YUMMY!
Feb. 13th
At Great Auntie Kim's Bday dinner - Sky holding me!

Peek-a-Boo at the Park!
GeeGee's going to get me!
Swinging on the rings like in Gymnastics!
Hey, where is Daddy?
Mommy's Angel Girl!Feb. 18th
I can do it daddy!
Love the obstacle course!
Jumping into the pit... catch me daddy!
Tuck & roll!
Mommy & Daddy... The ski trip to Lake Tahoe - that I missed! I did have fun with Gee Gee, Grammie, & Grandpa though!
Daddy flying through the air!
Chad chasing me into the slide! Eating lunch at Sweet Tomatoes with the fam! (Fancy Nancy, GeeGee, & GiGi)

Ladies who Lounge (at GeeGee's)
Fancy Nancy brought me a present! She knows I love music!
This is hard work, Bagel Break!

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