February 2, 2011

Gymnastics & Potty Update!

So now that I am almost 20 months, I can wear my "big girl panties" all the time when we are at home - no diaper! Although I have a lot of fake-outs where I think I might have to go & of course mommy has spent countless hours sitting on the floor in the bathroom waiting for me to go, I haven't been having any "accidents" for the past couple days! When I do go, we clap, high 5, dance, & are super excited for me! I still wear my pull-ups when we run errands or are out of the house, just in case we can't find a potty right away! Let's hope I keep up the big girl work!

Onto Gymnastics... this is my second time & I still love it. I'm getting better waiting my turn and really trying to listen to Mrs. Lindy. So far Auntie & Grandpa have come to watch me! They said I was the best "little" gymnast they have ever seen!

Forward roll with Mrs. Lindy!Bear walk under the mat

Auntie helping me climb over!Getting the hang of airplane arms!

This is too scary, can't look!
Okay, my toes are on!

Yes, I did it!
Ta-da Stretch!
Super fast thru the tunnel!
Walking my feet up the wall into a handstand!
Little beam almost all by myself!
Watching my toes, this is a long way down!
1... 2... 3... let go!
Fun! Again!

One last walk on the crayon beam!

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