February 19, 2011

Auntie & Uncle B's Engagement Party! (Feb. 19th)

Feb. 19th
The Future Mr. & Mrs. Rowlen and of course the flower girl right by their side!
Jumping on the chairs (sorry Megan!)
Let's get this party started!
Yum! Cuppycake!
Papa Jay didn't know I haven't had shrimp before & gave me two pieces! Mommy was in a slight panic, but thank goodness I'm not allergic to shrimp because I loved them!
Snack'n away on Gramzee's food! Flatbread, Chicken, Chips & Salsa, Cheese.... what more could a girl ask for!?
Taking a quick break with Mommy, I was the life of the party!
Sister, Sister!!
Shhhh! Don't tell Auntie & Uncle B that Grandpa let me open some of the presents!
Great Pic, except where am I??
So. Tired. Ahhhhh. Yawn.

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