February 2, 2011

Gymnastics! 19 mths!

Now that my Kindermusik class is over, I've moved onto to Gymnastics! I had so much fun! Plus, two of my friends, Aidan & Hayden, were there! We started out with stretching and then moved to an obstacle course. I got to do a forward and backsword roll! We also did the bars, beam, tumble track, & foam pit! I now try to practice my forward rolls at home - which makes mommy a little nervous! I can also show you a straddle, pike, & tuck position. Oh, and my "Ta-Da" stretch when I'm done with something! Mommy & Daddy also say that in my gymnastics class I'm practicing my listening skills and waiting for my turn too!

On a different note, I'm very excited to tell you that we are almost - out with the diapers, & in full time with the big girl panties (except at nap & night time)! I've been going poo poo on the potty since I was about 14 mths now, but it's hard to tell when I have to "tinkle!" I have been doing pretty good with it for a couple mths, but now I'm really getting the hang of it!

Going through the tunnel in the obstacle course!
My forward roll!
Did I just roll?
You have to really concentrate on this beam!
Airplane arms & kicks on the beam! Auntie helping me up on the tumble track

Sitting with Hayden & Aidan!
Stamp to prove I'm a born gymnast!

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