February 16, 2011

Daddy's Birthday Dinner

Feb. 16th
We had a surprise birthday dinner for daddy at Gramzee's house! I loved opening all of daddy's gifts.
Each gift daddy opened was a clue - we have a surprise trip for daddy planned.... Where could he be going??

Gramzee made one of daddy's favorites - Poppy Seed Chicken! And GiGi made Banana Pudding for dessert... YUM!!
Love to eat off of Auntie's plate!
Ooooooh! A hat... Is he going skiing somewhere??
Pictures of house, hot tub, mountains, .... still doesn't know the destination!
Eating Grandpas Banana Pudding!
Trying to see thru the white-out of his flight itinerary from Auntie & Uncle B
What!? Mommy & Daddy are going to Jackson Hole to go skiing without me! They said that they might take me next year skiing! We'll see.....

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