February 19, 2011

Auntie & Uncle B's Engagement Party! (Feb. 19th)

Feb. 19th
The Future Mr. & Mrs. Rowlen and of course the flower girl right by their side!
Jumping on the chairs (sorry Megan!)
Let's get this party started!
Yum! Cuppycake!
Papa Jay didn't know I haven't had shrimp before & gave me two pieces! Mommy was in a slight panic, but thank goodness I'm not allergic to shrimp because I loved them!
Snack'n away on Gramzee's food! Flatbread, Chicken, Chips & Salsa, Cheese.... what more could a girl ask for!?
Taking a quick break with Mommy, I was the life of the party!
Sister, Sister!!
Shhhh! Don't tell Auntie & Uncle B that Grandpa let me open some of the presents!
Great Pic, except where am I??
So. Tired. Ahhhhh. Yawn.

February 18, 2011

Feb. Events!

Sorry, we haven't posted in FOREVER!! Mommy lost her camera cord to download photos onto the laptop, so we are super behind on blog posts. Here is a glimpse of Feb. (21 mths. old).
Feb. 3rd
GiGi came to visit!
Watched her little Mary Lou at gymnastics! GiGi was so proud of me!Feb. 5th
At Papa Jay's restaurant in Athens ~ WhipLash Cafe! I'm a member of the clean plate club here... pizza, pasta salad, & bagel melts! YUMMY!
Feb. 13th
At Great Auntie Kim's Bday dinner - Sky holding me!

Peek-a-Boo at the Park!
GeeGee's going to get me!
Swinging on the rings like in Gymnastics!
Hey, where is Daddy?
Mommy's Angel Girl!Feb. 18th
I can do it daddy!
Love the obstacle course!
Jumping into the pit... catch me daddy!
Tuck & roll!
Mommy & Daddy... The ski trip to Lake Tahoe - that I missed! I did have fun with Gee Gee, Grammie, & Grandpa though!
Daddy flying through the air!
Chad chasing me into the slide! Eating lunch at Sweet Tomatoes with the fam! (Fancy Nancy, GeeGee, & GiGi)

Ladies who Lounge (at GeeGee's)
Fancy Nancy brought me a present! She knows I love music!
This is hard work, Bagel Break!

Dinner Party

Feb. 18th
We had dinner over at Auntie & Uncle B's house with both of their families.

I LOVE GiGi & Norma!
Taking a break from playing with G-paGetting ready for my bear walk...

On to better things.
Bride-to-be & her flower girl!

Sitting with Aunt Norma - she taught me Yes M'am and No M'am while she was here!Taking a sippy break with Sky! Waaaay past my bedtime!

February 16, 2011

Daddy's Birthday Dinner

Feb. 16th
We had a surprise birthday dinner for daddy at Gramzee's house! I loved opening all of daddy's gifts.
Each gift daddy opened was a clue - we have a surprise trip for daddy planned.... Where could he be going??

Gramzee made one of daddy's favorites - Poppy Seed Chicken! And GiGi made Banana Pudding for dessert... YUM!!
Love to eat off of Auntie's plate!
Ooooooh! A hat... Is he going skiing somewhere??
Pictures of house, hot tub, mountains, .... still doesn't know the destination!
Eating Grandpas Banana Pudding!
Trying to see thru the white-out of his flight itinerary from Auntie & Uncle B
What!? Mommy & Daddy are going to Jackson Hole to go skiing without me! They said that they might take me next year skiing! We'll see.....

February 2, 2011

Gymnastics & Potty Update!

So now that I am almost 20 months, I can wear my "big girl panties" all the time when we are at home - no diaper! Although I have a lot of fake-outs where I think I might have to go & of course mommy has spent countless hours sitting on the floor in the bathroom waiting for me to go, I haven't been having any "accidents" for the past couple days! When I do go, we clap, high 5, dance, & are super excited for me! I still wear my pull-ups when we run errands or are out of the house, just in case we can't find a potty right away! Let's hope I keep up the big girl work!

Onto Gymnastics... this is my second time & I still love it. I'm getting better waiting my turn and really trying to listen to Mrs. Lindy. So far Auntie & Grandpa have come to watch me! They said I was the best "little" gymnast they have ever seen!

Forward roll with Mrs. Lindy!Bear walk under the mat

Auntie helping me climb over!Getting the hang of airplane arms!

This is too scary, can't look!
Okay, my toes are on!

Yes, I did it!
Ta-da Stretch!
Super fast thru the tunnel!
Walking my feet up the wall into a handstand!
Little beam almost all by myself!
Watching my toes, this is a long way down!
1... 2... 3... let go!
Fun! Again!

One last walk on the crayon beam!