January 27, 2011

Snow on the Ground & No where to Go!

While mommy & daddy were cooking dinner, I snuck into the pantry and grabbed the cheerios as fast as I could. I took off running, pulled the plastic bag out, and right as she was about to catch me I dumped the whole bag onto the floor. Whoops! What did I do?
When I realized that she wasn't going to let me eat them, I started shoving cheerios in my mouth as fast as I could!Oh no! Mommy & Daddy are making me clean up my own mess! I did like my broom, but now I'm not sure.

Can I stop now? Please.
With all the snow days, everyone was getting tired of staying in their houses, so I invited all my friends on our street to come over & play. 10 girls & 1 boy!! We had so much fun!
Sliding into my ball pool!
Great Playdate!
Checking out the flowers on the side of my house.
Aidan, all the girls wore him out playing. Slept right thru all the noise!
Ava & I watching Bryn. Was she dancing?

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