January 7, 2011


Merry Christmas Everyone! When I woke up Christmas morning I could hear pretty much my whole family downstairs already. Santa must have come, why didn't someone wake me up earlier than 8:00 a.m! I hope I didn't miss out on anything! When Mommy & I walked downstairs, I peeked around the corner & could see Daddy (with the video camera), Auntie, Gramzee, Grandpa, Grammie, & Papa Jay!! I love when we are all together! Santa had moved our stockings from the fireplace to the couch and were stuffed with gifts! Santa left me a letter & lots of presents by the fireplace & downstairs in the basement!! What a lucky girl I am! After presents at our house, we headed over to Gramzee's for more gifts!! We had dinner over there & since it snowed that night, we all got to have a sleepover at her house! YAY!!!
Santa wrote me a letter again this year! He said I was such a little angel this past year & he is so proud of me!
Santa even wrapped my presents in Sesame Street Paper!
Did Santa come? Peeking around the corner still a little shocked & sleepy.
Is this all for me?
My Barbie Power Wheels! Vroooom!
What else is in my stocking?! I got crayons, books, musical shakers, coloring books, and even dress up stuff!
Crayons for the bathtub! FUN!
Daddy teaching me how to play golf with my new clubs!My own camera! Wow!

Gift from mommy!
Oooooh! The Night Before Christmas book... with Mommy's voice already recorded on it! How did she get in there?Grandpa helping me sweep with my new broom!

Whoa! Santa brought me a new playhouse! So cozy inside!

My own kitchen from Grandpa with a basket of food! This kitchen even has a highchair connected to it for my baby dolls! Thanks Grandpa!
I'll make Christmas breakfast!
Kissing Elmo from Grammie! Oh what fun!
My new Art desk from my cousin Jimmy! Look at all those bins so I can keep my crayons, coloring books, and stickers organized.
Auntie gave me my own rolling suitcase packed full of goodies & snacks! Now I can take this when I have sleepovers at her house!
Grandpa out in the snow with Sammy Boy!
Elmo, Mickey, & Raggedy Ann to play with! Thanks Gramzee! She also gave me my own Leaptop Computer!
Mommy giving me kisses!
Loved that it snowed on Christmas Day!
Looking out the window wondering if Santa is going to come again tonight??!!

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