March 28, 2010

9 months ~ Week 4

I've just been out & about this week. Since the weather has been so nice, i've been going to the park to swing and go on the slides! I also had a ladies lunch with mommy's friend Ansley at PF Changs! I'm wondering if i'll be able to try the lettuce wraps next time?? Besides already knowing where my ears, tummy, & toes are, I now can show you my tongue! Hmmm... what else can i learn?

Baby playdate with Aidan & Hayden!
Swinging with Hayden!
Hanging out!
Taking a walk with gramzee!
Such a big girl!
Hello? Oh, wait, hang on... i need to taste the phone first!
YAY! Lunch with Ansley!
Just trying to get in a few pages before we have to leave.
Seriously! Lets go!

Auntie Ansley wanted to take me home! She loved holding me!
I loved trying to get Ansley's long hair!

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