March 14, 2010

9 months ~ Week 2 Standing in my Crib!

I've been eyeing that mobile in my crib for months now. Last week i mastered sitting up from laying down. Yes, a big skill accomplished, yet, only a stepping stone in my master plan (to touch that mobile). This week, i'm going all out... as soon as mommy puts me down for my nap and i hear that door close, i'm going to do it - im going to stand up. I know mommy turns on the video monitor right away so i only have a small window of time before she realizes what i'm doing. Once i heard the click, i popped up into sitting position. Darn, wasn't close enough to the railing so i laid back down. This time i scooted over closer and popped up again. Kung-fu-grip on the railing and weaseled my self up (sleep sack and all i might add). I did it!!!! I stood up in my crib. Not close at all to the mobile, but i'm a step closer. Now how do i get down... oh, good mommy's footsteps, hear her coming....

Oh yea, who is the BABY now?!

So pleased & proud!
Daddy you better lower my crib all the way or i'm out of here!

What is going on? Privacy please!

Ky Ky helping me push baby tad in my strollerAm i flying or what?

I could get used to this
Hi people!

1 comment:

  1. she is hilarious. Can't wait to see this standing fool. :)
