March 20, 2010

9 months ~ Week 3

Many people are wondering about the crib situation continued from last week. I'm proud to announce that i now stand up & grab my mobile whenever i want! I also had a really fun playdate with Bailey & Taylor. We played with all of my toys & I can't wait to play with the girls again soon.

Snug as a Bug after Bath Time!
Introducing..... Princess Alison!
Gimme that Camera!
I think i'll read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar."
Catch me if you can!
Playdate with Bailey & Taylor
What a fun day!
Bailey & I at my music table... not sure what i'm doing (eating my wrist?).
Forget my toys, I love to open up the cabinet and pull out all the tupperware!
My poor little bruise. I was trying to reach my mobile one time, lost my balance & bonked my head on the crib railing! I cried so hard!!
Banana for breakfast!
With this face, i get whatever i want!
Look at those pearly whites!

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