March 21, 2010

My 1st St. Patrick's Day!

What a Day! First I made sure that i had green on ALL day (i don't want anyone pinching my little cheeks!). That morning i even ate avacado (green)! Since today is Wednesday, it's Gymboree Day! YAY! My auntie met us there... she wouldn't miss this! We did all the obstacle courses & i even crawled through a long tunnel . That night for dinner i ate what mommy & daddy ate... carrots, potatoes, cabbage, & i even got to try a little corned beef! Yummy!!

Nothing like starting the day with a little avacado & banana
I might have tiny hands, but i can pick it right up...

and put it in my mouth!
Gymboree ~ Airplane!
Wonder how this wood tastes?
Peek-a-boo Auntie!
I love the rocking horse!

St. Patrick's Day presents from Auntie & Gramzee... get ready for the pool & beach!
A green bikini!

I love pushing my shopping cart from my cousin Jimmy!
Daddy doesn't like it when me & mommy practice putting stuff in my shopping cart!

I love feeding myself now!

Happy St. Patrick's Day People!!

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