March 28, 2010

9 months ~ Week 4

I've just been out & about this week. Since the weather has been so nice, i've been going to the park to swing and go on the slides! I also had a ladies lunch with mommy's friend Ansley at PF Changs! I'm wondering if i'll be able to try the lettuce wraps next time?? Besides already knowing where my ears, tummy, & toes are, I now can show you my tongue! Hmmm... what else can i learn?

Baby playdate with Aidan & Hayden!
Swinging with Hayden!
Hanging out!
Taking a walk with gramzee!
Such a big girl!
Hello? Oh, wait, hang on... i need to taste the phone first!
YAY! Lunch with Ansley!
Just trying to get in a few pages before we have to leave.
Seriously! Lets go!

Auntie Ansley wanted to take me home! She loved holding me!
I loved trying to get Ansley's long hair!

March 21, 2010

My 1st St. Patrick's Day!

What a Day! First I made sure that i had green on ALL day (i don't want anyone pinching my little cheeks!). That morning i even ate avacado (green)! Since today is Wednesday, it's Gymboree Day! YAY! My auntie met us there... she wouldn't miss this! We did all the obstacle courses & i even crawled through a long tunnel . That night for dinner i ate what mommy & daddy ate... carrots, potatoes, cabbage, & i even got to try a little corned beef! Yummy!!

Nothing like starting the day with a little avacado & banana
I might have tiny hands, but i can pick it right up...

and put it in my mouth!
Gymboree ~ Airplane!
Wonder how this wood tastes?
Peek-a-boo Auntie!
I love the rocking horse!

St. Patrick's Day presents from Auntie & Gramzee... get ready for the pool & beach!
A green bikini!

I love pushing my shopping cart from my cousin Jimmy!
Daddy doesn't like it when me & mommy practice putting stuff in my shopping cart!

I love feeding myself now!

Happy St. Patrick's Day People!!

March 20, 2010

9 months ~ Week 3

Many people are wondering about the crib situation continued from last week. I'm proud to announce that i now stand up & grab my mobile whenever i want! I also had a really fun playdate with Bailey & Taylor. We played with all of my toys & I can't wait to play with the girls again soon.

Snug as a Bug after Bath Time!
Introducing..... Princess Alison!
Gimme that Camera!
I think i'll read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar."
Catch me if you can!
Playdate with Bailey & Taylor
What a fun day!
Bailey & I at my music table... not sure what i'm doing (eating my wrist?).
Forget my toys, I love to open up the cabinet and pull out all the tupperware!
My poor little bruise. I was trying to reach my mobile one time, lost my balance & bonked my head on the crib railing! I cried so hard!!
Banana for breakfast!
With this face, i get whatever i want!
Look at those pearly whites!

March 14, 2010

9 months ~ Week 2 Standing in my Crib!

I've been eyeing that mobile in my crib for months now. Last week i mastered sitting up from laying down. Yes, a big skill accomplished, yet, only a stepping stone in my master plan (to touch that mobile). This week, i'm going all out... as soon as mommy puts me down for my nap and i hear that door close, i'm going to do it - im going to stand up. I know mommy turns on the video monitor right away so i only have a small window of time before she realizes what i'm doing. Once i heard the click, i popped up into sitting position. Darn, wasn't close enough to the railing so i laid back down. This time i scooted over closer and popped up again. Kung-fu-grip on the railing and weaseled my self up (sleep sack and all i might add). I did it!!!! I stood up in my crib. Not close at all to the mobile, but i'm a step closer. Now how do i get down... oh, good mommy's footsteps, hear her coming....

Oh yea, who is the BABY now?!

So pleased & proud!
Daddy you better lower my crib all the way or i'm out of here!

What is going on? Privacy please!

Ky Ky helping me push baby tad in my strollerAm i flying or what?

I could get used to this
Hi people!

March 7, 2010

9 months! Gramzee watches me!

I'm 9 months, yay! Almost double digits! Mommy & Daddy must think that i am such a big girl now because they left me for 5 whole days with Gramzee! They went to Steamboat, Colorado to go skiing! I could tell they were both nervous leaving me, especially mommy, but i knew i would be just fine! Gramzee lets me do whatever i want. We had so much fun playing, going to gymboree, visiting her school where she is a guidance counselor, shopping, & so much more! Gramzee even taught me where my ears & belly are!

I am so fast, she can hardly keep up with me!
Slithering under my jumper
I can pull up & stand
Oatmeal for breakfast... clap clap!
Learning shapes (who says you can't learn by tasting)
Gramzee brought her dog Hopper who stayed with us! When I see her i say, "Hop Hop"
Up close & personal
Figuring out which toy to play with
I bet mommy & daddy miss me so much!