October 31, 2009

Week 22 ~ Trick or Treat

My first halloween - cold and rainy! At least i was in a warm costume! I got to go trick-or-treating with my friend hannah. Daddy put together my baby einstein jumper. Yay! I love it! I'm still a little small for it so they have to put a blanket around me. I also had a playdate with Hailey. We played with my toys and i got to watch her eat big girl food (which word in the house is i get to try it next week!).

My Jumper from Ginger & Alissa! It's my favorite!
My playdate with Hailey - we decided to be twins in case you didn't notice!
Did I do that?

My auntie gave me this "little monster" shirt for halloween!

Mommy & Daddy on their way to Ansley's decades b-day party! I almost didn't recognize my Daddy. I got to spend the night at gramzee's house again!

My first pair of jeans from mommy's friend Jen! I can't wait to meet her soon at the FSU game!!
Ready for trick or treating!!

Our first stop - hayden's house! Her grandpa gave us some candy!

All bundled up in my costume & ready to go!
Okay, so i didn't last long in the stroller - too cold & rainy...will you hold me daddy?


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