October 2, 2009

Week 17 & 18 ~ Stone Harbor

Wow! These 2 weeks flew by! I went on vacation to Philly & NJ to meet my daddy's side of the family. We took my first plane trip which mommy & daddy were a little nervous about (they made me have my pacifier in most of the time & kept talking about my ears!! What about my ears?!). But... of course I was wonderful - i ate, played, & slept - and before i knew it, we were there! The pilot even let us go into the cockpit to see all the buttons when we landed (he wouldn't let me play with any though!). We stayed most of the time in Stone Harbor, NJ. I met so many people ~ aunts, uncles, cousins, great grandparents, friends.... We had such a good time & I loved everyone! I even went to the beach for the first time. Mommy & Daddy had to really wash all the sand off my toes since i love to put them in my mouth! It was a lot colder than it is here! I actually had to wear pants and socks! If I had to pick my favorite part, it was meeting my little cousin Jimmy (he is 6 mths older than me!). We talked in our secret language & played right next to each other (since we don't really like sharing our toys yet). At the end of our trip we went to Ursinus College where my Daddy went to school. We even saw the soccer field where he used to play. We all had a wonderful time!

My first airplane ride - flying into Philly!
With Mommy & Daddy in the cockpit after our flight
I met my Uncle Jay & cousins Jimmy & MaraPlaying with my Great Aunt Jeanie!

Meeting my Daddy's side of the family for the 1st time!
Me & my cousin Jimmy in our halloween outfits that Great Aunt Jeanie bought us!

At my great grandparents house in Stone Harbor, New Jersey

My great grandpa holding me tight!
All ready to watch the Eagles game with daddy, uncle jay, and jimmy... in my Eagles Cheerleading Uniform of course!

Getting ready for the beach ~ Oakley's??

Or Bolle??
Getting some fresh air with mommy
Walking on the beach with Daddy
My 1st time in the sand at Stone Harbor!
Taking a stroll with Grammie & Daddy
Hey Jimmy... this is MY daddy!

At Ursinus College for Homecoming... watching the soccer game
With Daddy standing in front of Wilkes field at Ursinus College
Zonked out after a long day at the Homecoming game!!

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