August 6, 2010

Swimming & Playing

My uncle Jay (daddy's brother), aunt lauren, & cousin Jimmy came in town from Philly this week. We went over to Grammie's house and went swimming a couple of the days & then Jimmy came over here & I got to show him all of my toys! We had a lot of fun.

Float'n with DaddyIf I have my hat on, do i still have to have this umbrella too?

Swimming in Grammie's pool.
Grammie is helping me scoop up water!
Uncle Jay holding me. I look so tiny!
Jimmy, I'm going to iron. Now will you please put the phone back on the charger!
I think i have a diaper wedge...I LOVE my ball pool!

I know where my tongue is!

Holding Jimmy's hand during his snack break after swimming!
I can't see the horse Grammie, can you?
Let me slide these doors open...

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