August 30, 2010

G-Pa comes to town!

I can't wait until my G-pa moves here! I love it when he comes up from Destin! We had a blast playing!

Morning Walks with Grandpa!
He just pushes, I actually steer this thing!

Auntie says I am going to be a good gymnast! Practicing walking on the balance beam.
Come on Grandpa, Keep up!
I love crawling thru the tunnels

Up we go!
Why does Mommy have to hold my hand! I kept trying to do it by myself & shake her hand off mine!
Back to the old faithful military crawl.
Throwing the ball to Grandpa!Jump'n Jump'n!!

I have to hold on tight!Going for a ride!

Bubble Time, my FAVORITE! Pop those bubbles!!
Shake that Parachute!
"Everyone find a lap to ride...."

G-pa pushed me around the basement at least 50 times! Every time he tried to get me out, I would duck down so he couldn't pick me up! Then I would get to ride some more!I LOVE G-PA!!
My 1st time on a golf cart. Grandpa said that I need to start taking lessons soon!

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