August 6, 2010

Atlanta Children's Museum

What a fun day! I got to go to the Atlanta Children's Museum with Mommy, Aidan, his Mommy, and Auntie. There was so much stuff to do there! After playing, we walked through the Olympic Park & ate lunch at the CNN center. Mommy thought since i didn't take my morning nap i would be passed out on the way home... but i was wide awake ~ just thinking about all the great stuff we did! Aidan fell asleep right away - i even played with some of his toys on his carseat & he didn't even know!

This was the first stop at the Children's Museum. Mommy thought i would love this cow since i can say "mooooo" so well when someone asks me what a cow says. However, I was peacefully sitting with Aidan when out of nowhere this cow started 'mooooo'ing so loud! I was scared to death! I jumped up and ran! Auntie saved me (she is the blur in the bottom right)!! I hope this place gets better, i don't think it can get any worse! Luckily, next stop was the slide. I was a pro at this from Gymboree! Okay, i guess i like this place now!

Then i got to build blocks with Auntie
Aidan & I wanted to get in!

Whoa! A waterbed! Cool!What's in this bear's mouth??
Using all my muscles!

Going thru the tree trunk.

Playing the piano! One girl came and pushed me out of the way to play this while i was already on it! After waiting patiently for a minute, i grabbed her shirt, but didn't know what to do next so i started to cry. After that, I got it back!Whoa! It's me!
I got to put on a ladybug rain jacket so I didn't get soaked!

Splish Splash!
This was my favorite thing at the museum! Playing in water!Auntie, scoot all the toys over to me!

I was soaked! Alright, lets take a break. Will someone just read to me? This playing is hard work!
Trapped in a treehouse!

Ahhhhh! Let me out of here!!
Weeeeeee! Sliding down with Mommy! Lets do it again!Aidan is shopping ~ he better stick to his list!

What? Babies can eat while they shop too... don't think i don't see all you grown-ups sampling your way through Publix!

Finally, a stove i can touch!
Aidan & I sharing a nice homemade dinner at the table.Knock, Knock!

Come on Auntie, lets build a tower!

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