August 30, 2010

My Visit to Stone Harbor!

I went to Stone Harbor, NJ for 9 days! What a vacation! Almost all of Daddy's family lives up north, so we had a lot of visiting to do. Everyone wanted to see me! I absolutely loved the Ocean every time we went!! Mommy & Daddy had to keep a tight grip on me the whole time I was in the water (even though I didn't want to hold their hands). We jumped over waves, ran from them, & even sat down in them! Jimmy didn't like the ocean too much, so he played in the sand a lot! Sometimes I joined him, but I liked to knock over the castles more then build them. Mommy was worried about me eating the sand, but I only tasted my bucket once the whole time.... needless to say, I didn't do it again. I loved to walk on the beach too & even chased the birds.

C'mon Mommy & Daddy, lets go PLAY!

And i'm off.....
Any shells in there?
Whoops! Just water!
Mommy & I would jump over the waves!
Ahhhhh! Run for it!
Scooping up water!
Water in my Crocs!
Grammy with Jimmy!Daddy, Keep up!! Over here!

Catch me if you can!
Chasing after a bird!
Helping Daddy build a sand castle!
Once it was done, I would knock it down with my shovel!
Hmmm... Let me just make sure Grammy & Jimmy's castle isn't better than ours!GiGi & Pop Pop came down to the pavilion to watch us play in the ocean!

I am constantly checking to make sure my belly button is still there! So far,

I want to be outside too!
Daddy's side of the Family! 4 generations! Grammie took us for a walk in the double stroller every morning!

Playing with my Great Aunt Jeanie! She got to stay and play with us the whole week! At my cousin Mara's house! Sitting with GiGi & Pop Pop!

Playing in Mara's kitchen!
Look at me, Daddy!
This is a big girl's playground!All by myself!

A little help please Daddy!
Finally, I just get to sit & relax for a minute!
Trying to hold Jimmy's hand ~ can't quite reach!
Grammy pushing both of us. Yay!A little break in the shade with Daddy, GiGi, & Pop Pop.

Daddy filled up a pool for Me & Jimmy to play in.
Jimmy didn't want to get in for a while, so i got the whole pool to myself! Splish Splash!!
Isn't my suit adorable... my auntie gave it to me!Jimmy's in! Yay!! We both kept trying to drink the water that would squirt out from the sides!
I wish I could stay in here all day!

Cousin Bonding Time! Hopefully Jimmy, we will be out of these highchairs next summer. I'm ready for the big kid table! See you soon & thanks for sharing all of your toys with me!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alison,
    My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
    I was looking for blogs about Stone Harbor to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you soon!
