August 8, 2009

9 weeks!

Hi!  I took my big trip to the Dr. this week & I weighed 10.5 and i'm 22 inches now!  I'm such a growing girl!  I was however clearly disappointed because i used to love going to see my doctor, but this time i had to get 3 shots!  I was shocked the first one so i didn't really cry.  But when that nurse stuck me 2 more times I screamed at the top of my lungs!  My mommy & daddy quickly calmed me down and i was back to my old self.  I'm now sleeping a good 6 hrs. every night ~ I think everyone is a lot more rested in the morning.  I'm still in love with my hands & try to put them in my mouth whenever i can.  When someone shows me a toy i'm starting to try to reach for it.  I will say though - my grip is getting a lot stronger.  My mommy rarely wears earrings or her hair down because i love to pull them.  My Grandpa and Mamie came in town on Friday to visit me from Destin, Florida.  We have been having a lot of fun!  My grandpa couldn't believe how much I have grown since he first saw me in the hospital.  Stay tuned for next week with my first trip to the pool!  

Binker from G-pa or my shirt....
Me & G-pa playing with my baby doll

My Mamie and Grandpa (I wouldn't let go of his shirt!)
I love my Grandpa coming in town from Destin!!  When are you moving here??
Hey get me out of here....
My poor little legs after the shots!

Exhausted after my appointment
Waiting for the Doctor
I loved looking at myself in the mirror
Tummy time with Daddy

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