August 18, 2009

10 weeks ~ Water Baby!

Well, i have now officially gone to the pool!  Once i got over the shock of the cold water, i loved it.  I kept trying to think of it as a big bath tub (which i love!).   My g-pa 
and mamie were in town most of the week so i played with them a lot!  Also, my great aunt suzanne & my cousins (sarah, hannah, hailee, & john thomas) drove from Maryland all the way to atlanta to see me.  I've been practicing reaching and grabbing my toys.  My favorite toy to grab is my baby doll!  I love to put whatever i get my hands on in my mouth too!  

My 1st dinner party!Welcome everyone!

Checking email with auntie
Napping with G-pa
My 1st french lesson with Mamie
Fun in the sun with Gigi
John Thomas & Hailee are telling me how to swim
Too bright mommy & daddy
A little rest while strolling to the pool

Hmmm....My first dip in the water!! What do i think?
AAAAHHHHH!  Freezing!  This is not like my bath water! 
My Grandpa & Gramzee
Play time with G-pa
My cousins Sarah & Hannah are holding me!
I wouldn't let go of sky's finger!
My great aunt Suzanne wanted to carry me the whole night!  I loved it! We will see you soon in Maryland!

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