August 31, 2009

Playing & Playing ~ Week 11 & 12

Playing, Eating, & Sleeping... what more could a girl ask for??!  Hmmmm, what's new?Well, reaching and grabbing my toys is now old news ~ i'm an old pro at that!  I smile all the time and just giggled for the first time!  You would have thought i stood up & started walking because my mommy & daddy were so excited. I've only done it a couple other times since then - don't want to do it too much or it will lose the effect! 
*Check back in a couple days & see how i did sleeping in my crib (not in my bassinet) in my own room for the first time!  

Almost got it...
I got it!! Mommy & Daddy are trying to teach me shapes & colors, but all i really want to do is put them in my mouth! 
Kissing my Baby Doll

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