June 29, 2009

One Month!!

Yay! My bouncer!
Can't decide if i like my swing or not??!
Play date... my feet resting on Bailey

Bailey's mommy holding me

Going for a ride with Auntie!


My big yawn with Josh!

Mommy holding my binker in my mouth & daddy holding me... sometimes it takes 2 people to get me to go to sleep!

Fast asleep with Jay
I love my Great Grandma! I miss her now that she is in Florida!

Trying to walk up my Gramzee!

Relaxing with Shel

Snug as a bug with Sky

Come visit again Ginger!!

Wow! Where has the time gone? I can't believe that my ONE month birthday is today!! Hmmmm, what's new? Well, last weekend one of my mommy's best friends Ginger came to visit all the way from Tampa. I let Ginger hold me for 2 hours straight (they thought i was sleeping, but i was really listening in on what they were saying!) My other new visitor was Josh... at first he was nervous to hold me because he thought i was going to wake up - but i was an angel the whole time! My daddy got to have his first father's day! Yay! Out of all the gifts I got him, my favorite was a book that he can read to me called - "It's the Best Day Ever, Dad!" Also, this past week I had my second play date with Bailey & my new friend Hailey also came. I slept most of the time again so i'm going to try really hard next time to stay awake & play more. I'm beginning to wonder if this is MY playdate or my mommy's... i can hear her talking to the other moms the whole time i am trying to sleep!

Other things i did this week:
~ Tried my swing - a little unsure of it, but maybe i'll get used to it!
~ Getting better at holding my own head up and turning it to the side while someone is holding me.
~ Took my first real bath & LOVED it! (No more washcloth baths - Hooray!!)
~ Went to Babies R' Us with mommy & daddy... i'm good to go (as long as i'm not hungry!)
~ Stayed with my Gramzee & Shelby while mommy went to the pool with Skyler (for only 45 min. though - she missed me too much again!)
~ My favorite rattle this week: Pooh Bear
~ My favorite book: Brown Bear, Brown Bear

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