June 19, 2009

3 weeks old....

I'm so sweet!
All ready for a stroll
My 1st stroller walk around the neighborhood

Playdate with Bailey 

Rock'n with daddy

Outside with Mommy
I didn't like the sun very much!
Kiss, Kiss
My auntie filing my nails... never too young for a manicure!  

Wow!  I can’t believe that my 3 week birthday is today!  I did so many new things this past week.  Last Saturday my mommy left me for the first time with daddy!  She missed me so much and checked her phone every couple minutes… just in case daddy called.   Mommy met my Auntie, Uncle Brantley, and Aunt Jami at our neighborhood pool for about an hour.  I was very good for daddy and slept on his chest the whole time! On Sunday we went on my first stroller ride.  At first I started to cry because I didn’t know why they were putting me in that strange contraption.  Then I calmed down once I realized that they were going to stroll me around.  I tried my hardest to stay awake while we went down to our neighbor’s house – Shauna & Larry – but I fell right asleep as soon as we got outside!  On Monday I had my first play date with Bailey.  We mostly slept and ate but we did get to play in my Under the Sea Activity Mat!  I showed Bailey how I danced to the music.  I can’t wait for her to come back over! Lets see what else…oh, I went on my first outing with my mommy & gramzee.  We went to the forum shops to Swoozies, Barnes & Noble, and Pottery Barn Kids.  I took a nap the whole time and they pushed me around in my stroller.  I’m starting to realize I fall asleep for all the good stuff!   On Wednesday my daddy had to go out of town for 2 whole nights so we stayed at Gramzee’s house the entire time!  I had so much fun!  Between everyone at the house, I got carried around a lot & loved it.  I slept in my new Pack N’ Play in Gramzee’s room so mommy got to catch up on her sleep. I missed my daddy terribly but mommy put him on speaker phone so at least he could talk to me! Well, that’s all for now.  Hope you like all the pictures!  

1 comment:

  1. Alison,
    Your pictures are absolutely precious and I love reading your blog. Keep posting so we can all watch you grow.
    Debbie Doyle
