June 4, 2009

One week old....

My g-ma Sandy holding me!
Auntie & Mommy ~ I'm telling mommy what to write on my blog!
Too cute!!
Uncle Paul holding me!!  I'm fast asleep.
Jay loves holding me!  
Me and Daddy hangin' out!
I don't like burping time!
My Great Grandma loves me so much!
I gave Daddy a BIG surprise!  
I love it when Kyleigh holds me!  

I love my auntie!

Oh no!  That's not my slobber, Mommy kissed my head with lip gloss on!
I love my room!  My cousin Shelby painted my letters!   
Snug as a bug in my car seat!
Me and daddy leaving the pediatrician's office
Me with my Mommy & Doctor
Hi Everyone!  First, I would like to thank my Auntie Abbey for starting this blog for me. Now that I am a week old, I think I'm going to take it from here and write on it myself.

I love my new home... mom's tummy was getting a little cramped!  I’m glad I am finally getting to meet all the people that I could only hear their voices just a little bit ago!  Mommy and Daddy are doing well and getting used to the lack of sleep.  I had my first outing on Tuesday when I went to see my Pediatrician.  I fell asleep both ways in my carseat, so I’m still unsure what all is around my house.  From what I gathered from the Doctor…. he basically said that I was perfect ( oh, and something about being quite active).

My funny moment:
*When mommy was getting me ready to take a bath (which i don't like) - as soon as she took off my diaper and started to pick me up, I peed all over her!  I soaked her arm & shirt, the changing pad, and part of the couch!  It didn't work though... i still get baths!
Something to note:
*When Auntie Abbey is over - I am a pooping machine!  Now, if i can only get her to change my diaper! 

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