April 24, 2011

Easter is Here!

April 24th
Here it is. My 2nd Easter! We got up & went to Church like usual, then we all went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast/lunch. My morning was starting off great! Just think, this time last year, I was "scared" of the grass, wouldn't let a blade of grass touch my toe if my life depended on it. The Easter Bunny had to hide the eggs inside and on the sidewalk & driveway of my house! Now, look at me... such a big girl & ready to run wild in the backyard chasing down every egg I can get my little hands on!
I found a couple $2 bills, coins, dollars, snacks, & chocolate eggs inside those eggs! I have a feeling that after opening the chocolate eggs in the middle of the heat and getting it all over my hands and mouth (very close to getting it on my dress), the Easter Bunny will stick to "non chocolate" treats next year. Didn't get a picture of that b/c mommy dropped the camera when I started to open it & grabbed my hands so it wouldn't get on my dress until someone brought her a washcloth.
I had a huge fan club (12 people) watching me find eggs, I love being the center of attention.
All the people that were here: Mommy, Daddy, Auntie/Uncle B, GeeGee/PapaJay, Grandpa, Grammie, Aunt Kim/Shel/Sky, & KyKy!!

Just doing some last minute cooking for the big Easter Dinner that I prepared.
Auntie's little side-kick
The egg hunt has begun.
First egg down, on my rocking chair!
Getting greedy, two at a time!

Hmmm. Did I miss any over here?
Papa Jay helping me out!
Grandpa cheering me on!

Daddy video taping my 2nd egg hunt!
Gotta get that left arm swinging if I want to run faster!
Yes! Got it.
Mommy making sure I don't open up another chocolate egg!
GeeGee showing me what is inside of the egg.
Oh no! Uncle B is going to get it first!
Basket is full!
Uncle B gave me a Bear that he got at the Masters! Yep, I named it Masters & drag it all around!
Silly Face!
Geegs gave me Cottontail from Build-A-Bear, so cute!
Trying to shove my toes in Cottontails shoes!
Opening up my Easter Basket from the Easter Bunny! I sure am glad that I finally didn't cry when I saw him. He brought me a lot of stuff!!
The next couple mornings after Easter, I kept asking Mommy & Daddy if the Easter Bunny came again. I guess he only comes once a year (a girl can hope though) ;-)

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