April 16, 2011

Easter Bunny Take 2!

April 16th
People, I got another chance! Grammie's subdivision put on a huge easter egg hunt, and the Bunny himself was there. Mommy wasn't even going to take me near him b/c of the the last traumatic encounter. But, I thought to myself.... I'm a big girl now, almost 2, I need to be brave & go for it. And that's exactly what I did. I went up to the Easter Bunny on my own. My mommy still was nervous setting me down next to him, but I wasn't scared at all! He told me that in a week he was gong to come hide a bunch of Easter eggs just for me to find. Boy, was I excited!

On the hunt with Grammie!
Daddy helping me hold the basket while I fill it up!
What a fun hunt! Next time, it's all me Baby!

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