April 14, 2011

Easter Photo Shoot

April 14th
Since my mommy didn't get any "good" pictures for Easter Cards with me & the Easter Bunny, she decided to take some more pics of me outside! I still can't believe that I cried so hard when I saw the Easter Bunny, how embarrassing! Well, take a look at these pictures. I think they turned out well, if I don't say so myself!
Me trying to hide behind Butch Bear!
I love bunny!
Always on the move!

Singing La La!
You can't catch me!
Little Angel!
Look at all my hair blowing in the wind!
Am I in jail or something!?
Trying to dress B in my easter headband!
Okay mommy, the sun is a little bright, are we almost done?
Going shopping!
On a mission!

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