May 3, 2010

11 months!

I'm starting to take a couple steps by myself - only when someone starts off holding my hands, and then stays right behind me. I usually lose my balance and fall forward. This week was my Grammie & Grandpa's Birthday. They were born on the same day! I didn't get to see Grandpa because he lives in Destin, Florida. We did take Grammie out to breakfast and then came back to my house to play. I also got to see Ansley this week! She came over & I definitely kept her entertained! I had her read me books, play with my toys, and she even fed me lunch! She couldn't believe how much i knew and how big i was!

Tasting my keys before going for a ride!

Happy Birthday Grammie!!
Helping Grammie take the ribbon off of her present! I am practicing for my Birthday later this month!
My binker up side down... i think that is so funny.
Trying to catch my binker in my mouth!
Ansley feeding me my lunch... Yummy!
Read, Read!
Showing Ansley all of my toys

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