May 10, 2010

11 months ~ Week 2 Mother's Day!

This past Sunday was so special because it was Mommy's first Mother's Day. Daddy & I made mommy breakfast and we are going to plant Mommy a vegetable garden. Yum! After my morning nap, mommy & I headed to the park to meet Gramzee, Auntie, Great Auntie, Shelby, & Sky! We had a picnic lunch and then i got to play on the playground. We had such a good time! Gramzee got Mommy a cute sundress. And Auntie surprised Mommy & gave her and Daddy tickets to "A Taste of the Highlands" to go with her & Uncle Brantley. Looks like I get to have a sleep over with Gramzee! Woo Hoo!!

Mommy's little helper!
Yay for Mommy's DAY!

Sky playing with me. I'm showing her how i can put on AND take off all the rings!
I'll help Mommy open the card.
Ladies who Picnic!
Holding on like a big girl!
Me & Auntie!
Gramzee getting my toes!

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