May 16, 2010

11 months Week 3 ~ Swimming Lessons!

I started Swimming lessons at our YMCA this week. I am such a little water baby ~ I loved it! We floated on our back, practiced kicking, scooped our arms, and sang lots of songs! I also learned how to swing my leg up on the side of the pool and climb out.

YMCA swimming!!
"I'm a little pancake flat on my back.." We sing that song & then mommy flips me over to my tummy & flips me back!
Kicking, Kicking!
Singing Songs
Scooping with my hands

Climbing out & getting ready to jump in to Mommy
All done! This swimming is exhausting!
Wrap me up Daddy, I'm freezing!
Mommy & Daddy were so proud of my swimming!
Swimming flower girl!
Can't wait to come back!

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