February 28, 2010

8 months ~ Week 4 (Tea Party!)

I got to go to my first big girl Tea Party! Mommy & Auntie surprised Gramzee by taking her to Tea at the Ritz downtown (and I got to go!). I wore my fancy dress, white tights(although the toe was a bit wet b/c i kept trying to put my foot in my mouth on the way down), & my little black shoes (which i pulled off as soon as i got in the car). We had such a good time and i was quite a little lady if i do say so myself! I've been working on a couple new tricks too! I now throw my arm up in the air when someone says "fan" - to show you where it is! I also can get my bunny & baby doll when i hear their name. I still love to clap whenever i hear the word! Standing up is my new favorite thing to do! I am so fast now daddy had to put up a stair gate among other "baby-proofing" things! I go next week for my 9 mth check-up!!

Stopped in my tracks by daddy!
Weeeee.....going for a ride!
Holding onto daddy for dear life!
Do you mind... i'm trying to get by!
My Kimono from Auntie & Uncle ODIA (from Savannah)
Why am I in this again...
This is hard to crawl in!

So this is "Tea with the girls"
Showing everyone the fan just in case they were wondering
Love from Mommy & Auntie
Tea with Gramzee in a fancy cup!
Just us girls!
Why do i have my bottle? At least give me milk in a tea cup people, how embarrassing!
Sitting in a big girl chair
Note to self...Big girl chair does not taste good!
What a day! I hope we go to another tea soon!

Bye Bye!

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