February 14, 2010

8 months ~ Week 2

Mommy has been letting me try to eat all by myself! I think i take after my auntie! I've also been perfecting my "military crawl." I am so fast mommy and daddy can't take their eyes off of me!

Trying to eat all by myself!
Yes! I made it in my mouth!
Do you mind... i'm eating here!
Thank goodness bath time is next!
I got to open up my valentine's day presents from auntie & gramzee early!

Look what my auntie gave me... valentine's day pjs!
Reading to my little friends
My grammie gave me this adorable valentine's day outfit (and the book i'm eating)!
Hmmm... what toy do i want now.
Sleep over with auntie on the snow day!

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