November 13, 2009

Week 24 ~ UGA & Week 25 ~ FSU!

I went to my first tailgate at UGA! I had a lot of fun & everyone wanted to carry me all around... i let most of them! Since i was so good tailgating at UGA, my mommy & daddy took me to FSU with them to not only tailgate, but GO to the game! I was perfect in the car. When we got there on Friday we checked into our hotel. Friday night we went to hear mommy's friend Katherine sing. She is amazing! Then my grandpa and mamie watched me in the hotel so mommy & daddy could go back out! Saturday, after tailgating in the morning, i got to go to my first football game! I loved it! The weather was perfect and i watched everything going on all around me. No one could believe it, but i somehow fell asleep right on daddy even with all the noise of the game! Hey, what can i say? I'm a sound sleeper! I had a lot of fun all weekend and can't wait to go back next year! On the way home, we only had to stop once in 6 hours! I slept and played the whole way!

Hey people, i'm sitting all by myself!
Grandpa met us in Tally!
Getting ready to eat my rice cereal!
With the girls (mommy, paige, & katherine) at Paradise Bar & Grill in Tallahassee, FL
Up past my bedtime, YAY!!

Listening to Katherine... she is amazing! She is one of mommy's sorority sisters who now lives in Nashville! I think she came down to Tally to sing to me??!

If you don't have it already, BUY her CD!! It's my favorite one!

After a long night, i couldn't keep my eyes open any more!
My 1st look at the Stadium! Future Seminole!

F-L-O-R-I-D-A S-T-A-T-E! Florida State, Florida State, Florida State! Woooooo!
So this is what tailgating is....
The Fam!
I loved Paige carrying me! I especially liked her necklace!
Andry's mommy, Alissa!
Mommy's sorority sisters!
Auntie bought me my FSU binker! She is the BEST auntie in the whole world!
Having a chat with Uncle ODIA!

Kelli giving me my bottle! Are we going to have playdates soon??!

Matt giving me his UGA hat to wear!
Hmmm... the hat is weighing me down!

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