April 9, 2010

10 months ~ Week 2!

Well, Back from Destin & Exciting News... Uncle Brantley closed on his new house! I love it! He wasn't completely unpacked so i tried to get into some of his boxes. They even let me sit on the new dining room furniture. I told them as soon as they get a pack-n-play, i can spend the night! Now that the weather is nice, we have been going to the park & taking walks too. I now can walk with someone only holding onto one hand! I also love climbing up the stairs (don't worry, mommy or daddy is right behind me). They have to make sure the safety gate is closed at all times or i try to climb up the stairs all by myself!!

Hey everyone! Look that's the house!!
Sitting in the new dining room chair... i'm such a big girl!
Yes, I am sooo big!

Closed on the house... Another place for me to PLAY!!
Enough room for a swing set... check!
Mommy & Daddy love their little princess!
Daddy's little girl!
I get major air now in my swing!
Chewing on my flower teether now that i have 2 more teeth coming in on top!
(4 on top & 2 on bottom!)

Noodles, Avacado, & Brussel Sprouts! Yay!
Making a mess... that's what i do!

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