February 28, 2010

8 months ~ Week 4 (Tea Party!)

I got to go to my first big girl Tea Party! Mommy & Auntie surprised Gramzee by taking her to Tea at the Ritz downtown (and I got to go!). I wore my fancy dress, white tights(although the toe was a bit wet b/c i kept trying to put my foot in my mouth on the way down), & my little black shoes (which i pulled off as soon as i got in the car). We had such a good time and i was quite a little lady if i do say so myself! I've been working on a couple new tricks too! I now throw my arm up in the air when someone says "fan" - to show you where it is! I also can get my bunny & baby doll when i hear their name. I still love to clap whenever i hear the word! Standing up is my new favorite thing to do! I am so fast now daddy had to put up a stair gate among other "baby-proofing" things! I go next week for my 9 mth check-up!!

Stopped in my tracks by daddy!
Weeeee.....going for a ride!
Holding onto daddy for dear life!
Do you mind... i'm trying to get by!
My Kimono from Auntie & Uncle ODIA (from Savannah)
Why am I in this again...
This is hard to crawl in!

So this is "Tea with the girls"
Showing everyone the fan just in case they were wondering
Love from Mommy & Auntie
Tea with Gramzee in a fancy cup!
Just us girls!
Why do i have my bottle? At least give me milk in a tea cup people, how embarrassing!
Sitting in a big girl chair
Note to self...Big girl chair does not taste good!
What a day! I hope we go to another tea soon!

Bye Bye!

February 19, 2010

8 months ~ Week 3 Happy V-Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Playing with my friends Hailey & Bailey!
We are all taking turns reading Farm Friends
Lunch Break!
Trying Strawberry Apple Puffs
I picked it right up & put it straight into my mouth
Daddy came to Gymboree!
Helping me down the slide to get the balls!
Can i fit under there?
Trying to climb out
Why won't that puff get off my palm & into my mouth!?

Maybe if i stare at them long enough, they will appear on my highchair!
Yes! It worked!

February 14, 2010

8 months ~ Week 2

Mommy has been letting me try to eat all by myself! I think i take after my auntie! I've also been perfecting my "military crawl." I am so fast mommy and daddy can't take their eyes off of me!

Trying to eat all by myself!
Yes! I made it in my mouth!
Do you mind... i'm eating here!
Thank goodness bath time is next!
I got to open up my valentine's day presents from auntie & gramzee early!

Look what my auntie gave me... valentine's day pjs!
Reading to my little friends
My grammie gave me this adorable valentine's day outfit (and the book i'm eating)!
Hmmm... what toy do i want now.
Sleep over with auntie on the snow day!