July 19, 2009

Busy Busy Week 6 & 7....

All curled up with Grammie

Who can look away first..... oh man, i fell asleep!

Why do people make me take my vitamins! YUCK!!
Ahhhhhhh.... free my feet!
I'm crying on daddy's shoulder b/c i don't like taking bottles!!
Talking to Gramzee
Strike a pose
My mommy & daddy love me soooo much!
I'm now starting to take 45 min. naps in my crib
Sleeping beauty with Ansley
On our way to Ippolito's for Kelley and Brad's B-day!
Trying to sit up in my Bumbo
All people do is take pictures of me - here is my Gramzee & AuntieHey! Where am I?

My 6th and 7th week were super busy! First who got the crazy idea i would take a bottle! My mommy should want to be with me at all times!! It's taken a little over a week, but i'm finally starting to give in and just drink it! Another new thing that i'm not quite fond of is.... my vitamins! It is so sour - i have no choice but to make faces the whole time they give it to me. I went out to dinner for the first time to Ippolito's. I let mommy & daddy eat their whole dinner before i wanted to eat. Plus, i was a perfect angel in the car. I've also been sleeping at night a lot longer - sometimes i can go 4 or 5 hrs. Oh, i've discovered something new.... my hands! I love to reach out and touch, sometimes even grab my toys! I also try to put my whole fist in my mouth. People say i smile now all the time too! You learn something new everyday. My other big adventure was that I went all the way down to Atlanta for the 1st time to Atlantic Station (about a 45 min. drive) with Mommy & my Gramzee. I almost slept the whole way except for the last 5 min. because i started getting hungry. We met one of my mommy's sorority sisters Alissa, her husband Casey, and Andry(their baby) who live in Tampa. They were driving through atlanta and wanted me & Andry to meet! They kept saying that we are going to be Pi Phi sisters one day. I'm not sure what that means but i wish they lived closer so we could just play together! Well, i'm off to read a book with mommy.......

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