July 29, 2009

It's my B-Day!! 2 mths!

Now that i've found my hands... i can't keep them out of my mouth!
My Great Great Aunt Norma talking to me
My GiGi (Great G-ma) gave me my first piece of jewelry ~ the most beautiful bracelet!
I keep everyone entertained
Love my onesies from Ansley & Courtney!  I love watching my three new puppies!

Thanks for coming to play with me Trish & Kelly! 
Kisses Kisses from Gramzie!Lounging around on my Aunt Jami's bear!
Is this going to happen every bath time!?

Okay, i do like my swing nowThanks Jen for my adorable clothes!  My mommy's sorority sisters are very fashionable! 

My daddy loves to put me in my pjs with my feet in... i think he secretly wants some!
My bff Hayden was finally born!  Wow.... 2 mths!  Can you believe it!?  I'm getting so big!  I go to the Dr. on Tues. so i'll get to find out how much i weigh now.  Last night, i slept 7 hrs. straight.  My mommy & daddy almost fell out of bed when they looked at the clock!  I'm going to try to keep up my long stretches as much as i can.  As you can see from my pictures i've had a busy week between visitors & playing!  

July 19, 2009

Busy Busy Week 6 & 7....

All curled up with Grammie

Who can look away first..... oh man, i fell asleep!

Why do people make me take my vitamins! YUCK!!
Ahhhhhhh.... free my feet!
I'm crying on daddy's shoulder b/c i don't like taking bottles!!
Talking to Gramzee
Strike a pose
My mommy & daddy love me soooo much!
I'm now starting to take 45 min. naps in my crib
Sleeping beauty with Ansley
On our way to Ippolito's for Kelley and Brad's B-day!
Trying to sit up in my Bumbo
All people do is take pictures of me - here is my Gramzee & AuntieHey! Where am I?

My 6th and 7th week were super busy! First who got the crazy idea i would take a bottle! My mommy should want to be with me at all times!! It's taken a little over a week, but i'm finally starting to give in and just drink it! Another new thing that i'm not quite fond of is.... my vitamins! It is so sour - i have no choice but to make faces the whole time they give it to me. I went out to dinner for the first time to Ippolito's. I let mommy & daddy eat their whole dinner before i wanted to eat. Plus, i was a perfect angel in the car. I've also been sleeping at night a lot longer - sometimes i can go 4 or 5 hrs. Oh, i've discovered something new.... my hands! I love to reach out and touch, sometimes even grab my toys! I also try to put my whole fist in my mouth. People say i smile now all the time too! You learn something new everyday. My other big adventure was that I went all the way down to Atlanta for the 1st time to Atlantic Station (about a 45 min. drive) with Mommy & my Gramzee. I almost slept the whole way except for the last 5 min. because i started getting hungry. We met one of my mommy's sorority sisters Alissa, her husband Casey, and Andry(their baby) who live in Tampa. They were driving through atlanta and wanted me & Andry to meet! They kept saying that we are going to be Pi Phi sisters one day. I'm not sure what that means but i wish they lived closer so we could just play together! Well, i'm off to read a book with mommy.......

July 5, 2009

5 weeks....

Mommy loves to carry me around

A little nap... maybe i can stay up for the fireworks now

Why did you drag me outside... lets get this photo over with!
Hannah came over to play for the 4th of July.  I'm dancing!
Getting ready to go shopping.  Mommy says it's never to early to learn!
I still love my bath and my daddy still loves putting bubbles on my head.  Boys! 
Listening to my mobile play "twinkle, twinkle, little star."  I sure am glad mommy finally got up enough courage to cut my nails so i don't have to wear those mittens any more!!  
Up close & personal!
My grammie gave me a cute picture frame that matches my room!
All curled up with Uncle Brantley! (ODIA)
I got lots of goodies from Shel, Sky, & my great auntie!

Gramzee gave me lots of dress up clothes to go with my Itty Bitty Baby American Girl Doll! (Daddy had just shoved his whole cupcake in his mouth!) 
Thank you Auntie for Itty Bitty Baby!  I can't wait to play with it.  
"Surprise!"  It's my One Month Birthday Party!! 
Hmmm... how am I going to blow out this candle with my binker in my mouth.
I didn't include this on my last "one month" blog because it hadn't happened yet. But... later that night I had a surprise one month party!  My mommy & daddy didn't even know about it.  My auntie set everything up & it was at my gramzee's house. They even made cupcakes with sprinkles and pink frosting!  YUM!  When i saw the candle on the cupcake I decided not to blow it out because I didn't want to git rid of my binker - so my daddy blew it out for me.  I got lots of wonderful gifts (especially the American Girl - Itty Bitty Baby from Auntie).  Thanks everyone!!  
Oh, I now can stay in my bouncer for about 4 minutes (i'm getting a little longer everyday!) - this is just enough time for mommy to try to eat breakfast.  My goal this week is is 5 minutes, maybe 6 on on a good day.     
I'm not sure why mommy & daddy got so excited about this, but apparently I slept for 5 1/2 hrs. straight one night.  Got their hopes up for the next night - but i decided to go back to my 2 -3 hr. stretches.  Gotta keep them on their toes!  I don't want to be locked into a schedule yet!   
On friday i had a big shopping outing with mommy & daddy.... i even got to go into Honey Baked Ham for lunch.  I woke up just as they were finished eating.  All those smells were making me hungry!   
For the 4th of July, my auntie bought me a cute red, white, & blue outfit to wear.  I actually stayed awake for the fireworks! We could see them outside of my bedroom window.  Maybe next year we can go outside to watch them.
Favorite Toy and Book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar