December 24, 2009

7 months!

So...A lot going on for being only 7 mths! Check it out:

Brrrrr, it's cold out!
Eating dinner while Christmas decorating is going on!
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree ........

Reading my Christmas BookKyleigh hadn't seen me in so long!

Driving my car, move over!
Yuck! Sour Pears!
Airplane! Wooo Hooo!

Choo Choo Train with Gramzee

Give me that! Making some noise.

Stuck in the Tunnel. Get me out of here!

Hey Daddy, look at this .... Baby Soccer with Auntie!
Freeze Dance with my Great Auntie
Dance, Dance with Sky!
Look at all these bubbles GiGi
Whoa, i was a BIG star at Gymboree!

December 22, 2009

Week 29 & 30 ~ Let it Snow!

So, i got to visit Santa AGAIN! This time, i'm not going to lie, it wasn't pretty. We went to Northpoint Mall, had to wait in line, then they just quickly passed me off to Santa & took off! Okay, not exactly took off, but went a little out of my comfort zone all to take pictures! I got out about a 20 second scream then was just plain shocked! Moving on... enough about that. I've been trying a lot of new foods too (pear, apple, avacado, peas, zucchini, to name a few!). So far so good! My mommy has been making all my food & it's sooo yummy! I love to try to get the the bowl and smear my hands all in it. I also got to see snow for the first time. Mommy & daddy put me in my warm fleece bear suit & took me outside so i could see it! Next week ~ Christmas!! At least i'll be sleeping when santa comes!

I saw Santa's Reindeer in our backyard! (Uncle ODIA, don't even think about it!)

I love to eat my shapes!
Jump'n Jump'n!
Ahhhh! I love this jumper!
Flying high in the snow!
Mommy giving me a cuddle hug!

Can I eat this stuff??
If i can just get my hands on that...

I can do it, thank you!
Guilty about something!
Wonder if i can put this tutu in my mouth?!
Little Monster!!??
Gimme that....
YES!!! I got it!
Waiting in line to see Santa!
Waaaahhhhhhh!!!!! Get me out of here!!
Shell Shocked!

December 11, 2009

Week 27 & 28: My 1st Santa Visit!

Boy was I wrong when I thought things were going to calm down now that Thanksgiving is over! Next up... My 1st Christmas! The first trip to see Santa, Mommy took me to Quantum National Bank (where their friend Trey works). At first i was a little nervous, but once i realized this is the MAN with the toys i was content! I also met baby Asher who was at his grandma's house. He is super cute! My mommy & daddy are friends with his mommy & daddy (Scott/Katie). Since i'm a couple months older than him, i told him what to expect in the next couple months (pretty much you get to play with toys!). I hope to see him soon!

Trying to wake him up!
Me and the boys!
Can you say... future wedding slide show picture???
Scooting around!
Yummy Pears!
Always checking to make sure the Chicco label is still there!
Grammie feeding me butternut squash
Whoa, so this is Santa!

Okay, thank you, but i'm out of here!
Much better now that Mommy, Auntie, & Gramzee are here!
Thanks Trey for inviting us!!

November 27, 2009

Week 26 ~ My 1st Thanksgiving!

My first Thanksgiving! People traveled near and far to spend it with me! Although, i didn't know when i took my 3pm nap, that i was going to miss the first part of dinner! Oh well, when i woke up i was the STAR of Thanksgiving. I will tell you though, it is exhausting being passed around all the time!
**I had two very BIG "firsts" this Thanksgiving weekend!
1. I sat in my highchair for my first time & i loved it. I could play in there all day. Sweet potatoes (a given since it was thanksgiving) was my first highchair meal. I gobbled them right up! I could not however, get my little hands on the banana cream pudding that GiGi made! Maybe next year!
2. My first tooth started to pop through! Mommy says is razor sharp! You can't really see it unless you get really close (which i hardly let anyone do!).

1st taste of Sweet Potatoes
Interesting TasteDo i take after Abbey Messy Moore??!
Grandpa feeding me my breakfast! Yummy!

My dress for dinner!
I love to cross my feet now! I'm such a little lady!
Propped up on Grandpa!

Daddy & Grandpa busy in the kitchen
Little toes!

Auntie keeping me entertained while Thanksgiving Dinner is underway! Hey ~ does my mommy know you are drinking and strolling me??!

Just getting comfortable!
Finally some alone time... just me & my toys!
In deep thought....
My 1st Thanksgiving!
Mommy & Daddy said they are so Thankful for me!
Mommy's Little Angel!
When can i get back to my toys already!

My great cousin Nancy hated sharing me with everyone!
My GiGi wouldn't miss my 1st thanksgiving for anything!
Giving Gramzee kisses!

Holding on to Grandpa
Grammie loves holding me!
Woo Hoo! Tummy time, finally!
All eyes on me please....
Yummy, sweet potatoes!
Mommy, can you wait a sec, i have a call to take!?
Whoa, this is cool!
Do you mind, i'm eating?
Okay, enough is enough, i'm exhausted!