December 22, 2009

Week 29 & 30 ~ Let it Snow!

So, i got to visit Santa AGAIN! This time, i'm not going to lie, it wasn't pretty. We went to Northpoint Mall, had to wait in line, then they just quickly passed me off to Santa & took off! Okay, not exactly took off, but went a little out of my comfort zone all to take pictures! I got out about a 20 second scream then was just plain shocked! Moving on... enough about that. I've been trying a lot of new foods too (pear, apple, avacado, peas, zucchini, to name a few!). So far so good! My mommy has been making all my food & it's sooo yummy! I love to try to get the the bowl and smear my hands all in it. I also got to see snow for the first time. Mommy & daddy put me in my warm fleece bear suit & took me outside so i could see it! Next week ~ Christmas!! At least i'll be sleeping when santa comes!

I saw Santa's Reindeer in our backyard! (Uncle ODIA, don't even think about it!)

I love to eat my shapes!
Jump'n Jump'n!
Ahhhh! I love this jumper!
Flying high in the snow!
Mommy giving me a cuddle hug!

Can I eat this stuff??
If i can just get my hands on that...

I can do it, thank you!
Guilty about something!
Wonder if i can put this tutu in my mouth?!
Little Monster!!??
Gimme that....
YES!!! I got it!
Waiting in line to see Santa!
Waaaahhhhhhh!!!!! Get me out of here!!
Shell Shocked!

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