June 25, 2011

Bits & Pieces of June

June 9th
Mommy & Daddy's 4th wedding anniversary! I got to have a sleepover at Gee Gee's house!
They celebrated at Bones Steakhouse & brought a bottle of wine they got when they went to Napa valley!

I love my parents!! Since I wasn't there, they carefully buckled the bottle of wine in MY carseat!
I think they missed me!
June 11th
At the Bibbler's Pig Roast!
Does it count if I can put it in the hole from here?
Loved the corn on the cob!
What a cutie he is!June 14th
Putting on some makeup at Bailey's house!
Adorable Kinsley getting ready to take off on the
June 19th
Happy Father's Day! Daddy, Grandpa, and Uncle B all started Father's off right with a round of golf in the morning! It was followed by presents at Aunties house and then dinner at Taverna Plaka!

Here daddy, let me do it!June 25th
Ava's Birthday party - petting zoo!
After this one quick pet, she was out of there & on to playing outside the fence!

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