June 27, 2011

Children's Museum

June 27th
My Fun Day at the Children's Museum with Mommy & Auntie!

Move out of the way Peeps!
Loved getting my own groceries!
Wasn't too sure about the cow at first!
Loved the kitchen! I had it all to myself!
Tap shoes & Jazz Vest = Serious Dance Moves
My Masterpiece in the Making
My Assistant: Auntie
Trying to bust the guitar out of the case!
The Famous Fishing Pond!

Fun! Fun!

June 25, 2011

Bits & Pieces of June

June 9th
Mommy & Daddy's 4th wedding anniversary! I got to have a sleepover at Gee Gee's house!
They celebrated at Bones Steakhouse & brought a bottle of wine they got when they went to Napa valley!

I love my parents!! Since I wasn't there, they carefully buckled the bottle of wine in MY carseat!
I think they missed me!
June 11th
At the Bibbler's Pig Roast!
Does it count if I can put it in the hole from here?
Loved the corn on the cob!
What a cutie he is!June 14th
Putting on some makeup at Bailey's house!
Adorable Kinsley getting ready to take off on the
June 19th
Happy Father's Day! Daddy, Grandpa, and Uncle B all started Father's off right with a round of golf in the morning! It was followed by presents at Aunties house and then dinner at Taverna Plaka!

Here daddy, let me do it!June 25th
Ava's Birthday party - petting zoo!
After this one quick pet, she was out of there & on to playing outside the fence!

June 4, 2011

1st time on the Lake!

June 4th
I'm so excited, Chad invited me to spend the day on the lake with him (well... and some other people too, including my parents!)
He is showing me all about the boat. So knowledgable.

Life jacket - check
Hat - check
sunglasses - check
Lets get this boat date started!

First time tubing!
Loved it!
I was swimming all around!
Daddy even tried Wake Skating! I think I get my athletic abilities from him!
Oh wait.... what.. Mommy popped up on her skis the first try (she hasn't skied in years too. lol)! Maybe I get it from her! Hmmm.
Of course. Always being chaperoned by the moms!