May 29, 2011

Alison Taylor is 2!!!!

May 29th
Happy Birthday to ME!!! After many months of party planning, discussing, and preparing, my party is finally here! My absolute favorite thing is playing outside! And what is my favorite thing to do outside you ask? Playing in water!! I love swimming, running thru sprinklers, playing with my water table, watering the garden, chasing mommy & daddy with the hose, the list goes on & on! Now of course, I couldn't just have a plain old water party. It needed a theme, as I heard mommy say. So since I love Sesame Street, I decided on my two favs Abby Fairy & Elmo to be "the theme!" It was the best 2 year old party a girl could ask for! Here are some b-day pics. As you know, mommy & daddy take tons, so we tried to put in as many as we thought would hold your attention. We know you don't have all day!

Look what mommy made! Thanks to KyKy for di-cutting all the flowers & letters! I know it was stressful making sure all the red & purple letters were in the right spot! lol!
The goodie bags had all types of Sesame Street stuff in them!
Mrs. Brienne is awesome for making my cake!!! It was so perfect, mommy didn't even want to cut it! And yes, it tasted just as amazing as it looks!

Here are some close ups!!

Starting to put all the food out. Yum!
Grab some sunglasses and head outside!
Grandpa, Papa Jay, & Daddy all dressed with the theme!
Me & Kinsley!

The roller coaster from GeeGee was of course a hit!
Another favor for my friends to take home! They all got to plant flower seeds from Zoe's Garden in the sesame street pots that my cousin Shelby made!
Shelby is super talented! She drew all the faces on the pots!!
They were all so good, no one knew which one to pick!
Silly Cookie Monster!
Going thru Grammie's legs! Weeeeee!
Snow cone break!!
Abby Fairy brought these snow cones all the way from Sesame Street!
The two snow cone helpers.... Auntie & Gee Gee!
Ooooh! This is cold!
Mommy made me stand here so she could get a pic of my suit! I'm eyeing the sprinkler that I'm about to run thru!
Close up of Elmo & Abby!
Bailey climbing into the pool!
What a fun party!!
Taking a quick break to eat!
I loved everyone singing to me! Blowing out the candles....
Matt! Did you put that on my nose!
Grammie loves holding her water girl!
Loved my new train from Grandpa!
Posing with her new bag from Emily!
More gifts! Can't decide what to open next!
Thanks KyKy for my Alphabet Apple! I'm learning all my letters!
Sesame Sketchers from Auntie & Uncle B!! Cool!

Mommy & Daddy can't believe their little baby is 2!
Ready to go again after my nap!!
Cutest outfit from Aunt Kim, Shelby, & Sky!
I FINALLY get to ride facing forward now that I'm 2!!! YAAAAAAAAY!!!!!
It's a whole new world out there being 2!

May 28, 2011

Gymnastics & Shelby's Graduation!

May 27th
I'm a little monkey on the bars!
Forward roll!

Apart, together! I love the tumble track!
Mommy is so proud of me! Look at that ribbon!
Lost in the foam pit with Daddy!
Accepting my award!
GiGi came to watch how good I am at Gymnastics!
Okay, so now my mommy thinks she is Bakerella & made grad pops for Shel's graduation too! I must say though, I love the chocolate! May 28th
So proud of Shelby! Go CHS!

Mommy & Auntie happy to celebrate with Shel!
We will miss her at Valdosta State!