November 9, 2010

Kinsey Farm!

For Gramzee's Birthday we had a lot of surprises planned! First we picked her up and headed to Kinsey Farm! Then we all ate lunch at Mittie's Tea Room where I even had some lobster soup! Yum! Even though I said I wasn't tired, we still went back to Gramzee's to open presents & I gave in and ended up taking a 3 hour nap! Thank goodness I slept so well because that night we went up to Lake Lanier and saw the Halloween Lights. I kept saying, "Oooooh, Whoa, Mmmm..." We had such a wonderful Girls Day for Gramzee's Birthday!

Gramzee & her Baby Doll

So many to choose from!

I think I'll take this one
Auntie & her little pumpkin!
I look like such a big girl sitting there all by myself!Whoa!

Feeding these silly goats!
This is fun!
Oh no! He tried to eat my finger!
Enough of that!
Okay, I'm over it now!My Baby Boo Pumkins!

Playing with rocks! Well, that is until Auntie saw me put one in my mouth & jerked it out! That was the end of me playing with rocks! I wouldn't have done it again anyway, that tasted gross!
Wagon Ride with Gramzee!

Oh what fun it is to ride...
Helping pull the wagon, loading some of the stuff into the car!

Tractor Hayride!
Oh Christmas Tree....
Look at the flowers!
Stopping at the lake
Feeding the Catfish
I would carefully take out one piece at a time and drop it in the water.
Then really watch to see if a fish ate it!My fish face

What a DAY!!

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