July 13, 2010

4th of July!

First off... BIG news! I went Poo Poo in the potty for my 1st time on July 1st! 13 mths old! I went up to mommy and put my hand on my diaper and reached up for her to pick me up. She ran me to the potty & I did it! When i looked inside the potty and saw it, I started crying! Was I falling apart? Why is something that was in me, in the potty! Mommy started clapping right away and saying... Potty! Yay! Then daddy came up & started clapping too! So, I decided to stop crying & clap too!! We were all so excited! I've started to go up to mommy and say, "potty" and she races me in there! I don't cry anymore, but clap & then wave bye bye while we flush the potty! I'm such a big girl! Mommy took a picture of my 1st time going, but i'm not going to put it on here because I don't want anyone to see my poo poo! Gross!

The 4th of July was a lot of fun! We went over to Gramzee's, Grammie's, and then went to a party down the street! I had a great time playing!

Look how tall I am now!
Booking it up the stairs!!
Hold on... let me see who this is on my cell!
Happy 4th everyone!

See everyone, I'm not scared of grass anymore!Clap Clap!
Can I touch your beard Papa Jay?
Eskimo kisses with Gramzee!

At Grammie's house playing with toys!

Aidan, do you know where you are going? Let me check the GPS??
Hello! That is my toy you are reaching for!
I love chasing boys! Aidan, get back here!!!

Playing at the Park!

My auntie & uncle brantley have the best park next to them! There are so many toys for me to ride on! What a fun day!!

How does this thing work??
Look, one hand!

Give it some gas....Beep! Beep!
Swing'n with Auntie on the big girl swing!

July 12, 2010

Key West!!

The week after my 1st Birthday, I headed down to Key West with Mommy, Gramzee, & Auntie. It was our girl bonding trip! I went swimming almost everyday! My schedule was a little off... instead of going to bed at 7 p.m., i got to stay up sometimes until 9 p.m.!! Mommy said that I fell straight asleep as soon as my head hit the mattress ( all that swimming & walking around exhausted me!!). I knew we were on vacation so most of the mornings i slept until 8:30 a.m.! I had so much fun on our trip!

Fast asleep after our flight there... waiting to pick up our rental car.

Cheers with my sippy cup! Our first night out!
Swimming to Auntie! I was kicking and scooping with my arms!
I kept my hat on most of the time... it was so sunny!Day 1 in the pool ~ accessorizing with my pink bracelet
Just us girls!
Woooo Hoooo! Look how big i am with Auntie!

Float'n with MommyStrolling around
Cheeseburger in Paradise..... Margaritaville !
What? Where is my cheeseburger?
Auntie, what are you putting on my head??

A Parrot on my head!!
Hemingway's House
I saw cats all over!Auntie secretly gave me ice cream! Yummy!!
Milky Mouth!

Playing with my new margaritaville beach ball
Gramzee went around the whole pool grabbing all the noodles for me to float on!Cool shades!

Quick smoothie break! Yum, strawberry!Strolling along the water with Mommy!
I love my family!Walking like a big girl!
Mommy can't believe i'm ONE!!!
Clap Clap for Auntie!
Gramzee likes to carry me everywhere!
Carrying Gramzee's purse for her.
On the glass bottom boat tour.... I loved seeing all the fish!
Southernmost point!KEY WEST!!!
Kermits Key Lime Pie on a stick....

Good Call Auntie!! I love it!

BBQ booth!This was the best part of the pool!!
Auntie and I are twins with our suits!
Aren't we the cutest!

Taking a "nack" break!Dancing with Gramzee on our last night!

What a fun girls trip!!Back for more??
Auntie sneaks me sweets all the time!