March 20, 2013

Austin is HERE!!!!!

Austin is finally here!!  
Sorry, it's taken so long to update!  We've all been enjoying our time with our new little addition and trying of course to run on hardly any sleep!  Thanks to my mom & sister who stayed with us the first two nights to help with cooking, laundry/cleaning, and watching over him after those night time feedings - so we can try to get some sleep!   
While my due date of March 18th came and went, we were all anxiously awaiting baby Austin's arrival.   When I went to my Doctors appt on Tuesday the 19th, she went ahead and scheduled for me to be induced on Thurs. the 21st.  However, I started having contractions on my own Tues. night! I wouldn't go as far as to say I was excited to have contractions, but was relieved that I didn't have to be induced!  Once they started, Stephen quickly called my sister to head on over to our house to be with Alison who was sleeping. After she got here, we headed to the hospital! 
Once we were checked in and were situated in our room a little after midnight, I didn't wait around (like I did with Alison) and asked to have pain meds and an epidural as soon as I could!  Around 3:30a.m. the anethesiologist came on in and made us (me and Stephen) both breathe a little easier!  The next couple hours we both tried to sleep off and on just waiting....  Then around 6a.m. my dr. gave us the good news that we were getting close to meeting Austin!  We quickly called our family to head on down to the hospital and at 8:15a.m. Austin was born!!  
My heart was absolutely complete when my sister brought Alison into the hospital room to meet her new brother.  Once she got over the shock that the baby that she's been talking about for months is in front of her, she was beside herself.  Wouldn't take her eyes off of him!  

Obviously taken once the pain meds were in effect!
March 20th at 8:15a.m.
Proud Daddy & his son!

Love at first sight!

Gee Gee's First grandson! 

My dad raced to the hospital to meet little Austin Michael!

Gotta get those tiny footprints 

Austin's first phone call to GiGi (Grandma Dottie) in Maryland!

My favorite girl in the world!!  

Walking oer to see Austin...

One Proud BIG Sister!

The most amazing Auntie that Alison & Austin could ever dream of!  

Daddy's little princess!

She was so excited to climb on in and hold Austin for the first time!!

Grammie's first time holding Austin (her 3rd grandson!)

Okay, so if you know me at all... you know one of the foods that I missed most being pregnant was my turkey sandwich (cold).   My dad made sure that the first thing I had to eat after Austin was just that! 

A perfect gift (in my favoite blue box) from my wonderful husband and sweet Alison... gold heart earrings!  

Auntie Ansley came to hold Austin right away!!  
She might have even pushed my contractions along after making me walk up a HUGE hill after we took Alison to the Children's Museum the other day!

Everyone had a hard time getting to hold Austin because Alison would not give him up! 

Papa Jay with little Austin!

Waiting to get the "go-ahead" to pack up and head home!!  

Cozy with Daddy

Ky Ky Love!!

Watching March Madness (or sleeping thru) with Daddy

Sleeping in Josh's arms!
Waiting to get my security ankle bracelet off so I can bust out of this hospital!  

All ready to go in my carseat! 
Ready to Roll.....

First trip in the car!

The new Big Sister helping her brother get inside the house!

Gee Gee catching everything on video! 

The sweetest picture of them all!

Reading her Olivia book to Austin

She made Austin a Welcome Home sign!

Life can't get any better than this!

Adorable Tie "Just Born" onesie from Emily!

Excited to put him in his new bouncer from GiGi!

Peaceful as can be...