February 25, 2013

Little Gymnast

Alison practices her handstands everywhere!!
I don't think there is a wall in our house that her little toes haven't been on!

Forward Roll!

Alison loves Mrs. Lindi!

One of her favorite things of course... the Trampoline!

And the winner is.... Alison!  

February 20, 2013

Snow Tubing!

We decided to take one last little trip before baby Austin comes!  Just in case he decided to make his debut early, we decided not to venture out too far.  We ended up going to the Dillard House and had such a great time!  One of our excursions was to Scaly Mountain to let Alison see some snow & go snow tubing!  She loved it!!  

Queen Alison being pulled by Daddy! 

I think I was more nervous than she was!  

Love my girl!!!

All bundled up ready to make a "snowlady!"

So... there wasn't really enough snow for that, so they decided to make snowballs!

Daddy getting a workout after Alison kept 
wanting him to spin her!

Just relaxing!

                                       Snow Tubing Video...

Just couldn't get enough!

Love them!!

 Ice Cream Break! 

                                     The Dillard House Farm

                                           Santa's Sleigh!

Nice & cozy again, back to our room!

Next year..... She will have graduated to skiing!  

February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!!  

Loves Olivia!  

School Valentine's Party 

Giving her friends their Valentine Treat! 

Alison with adorable Chad!

Testing out 2 lollipops at once!

How cute is this Valentine's bucket that her teacher Mrs. Janine made?

February 9, 2013

Austin's Baby Shower!

Best Sister & Friends EVER!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you... Ab, Ansley, Kyleigh, & Emily!!  They put soooo much time & thought into every detail of my shower!
Such an adorable invitation!

The back of the invitation! 

Even the return address label swooped around the envelope like an airplane banner!

The girls even bought me thank you notes to match the theme!
Airplane runway table!

Big Sister Alison has been waiting & waiting for Austin's baby shower! 
The drink station:  Bloody Mary's (with mini bottles to go with the airplane theme!)

Cute airplane pulling the "AUSTIN" banner! 

Love these girls!!  

"Baby Bottle" dessert in baby food jars!  YUM!!

The food was delicious!
Buffalo Chx sandwiches, Hot ham & cheese, 
pimiento sandwiches, egg salad sandwiches
cobb salad, pasta salad, & asian chx salad!!  
We all couldn't get enough!!  

My little helper loved to "test" out all of Austin's soft blankets!

There was an insert in the invitation (that I didn't know about until the shower) that asked everyone to bring a book instead of a card!  Love that idea! We now have lots of boy books!

Alison even got gifts!!  Her new ballet doll from Auntie!


Loved all the monogrammed stuff!!
Even Auntie's gift went with the theme!  
Gee Gee loading little Austin up with clothes!

Austin's great g-ma (GiGi) talking with Ansley

Debi drove in from Alabama to surprise me!!

Alison loved her gift from Ansley!  

Love my neighbors!

Yummy favors!
Honey Mustard Pretzels, Ranch Pretzels,
Caramel & Chocolate popcorn

Can't even thank my sister enough for everything!!
She was party planning queen!!! Loved every detail!

Austin Arriving Soon....  Around March 18th!

My little Princess!!