December 20, 2011

Christmas Tree & Visit with Santa!

Dec. 18th! Yes, we are just putting up our tree! With Auntie & Uncle Brantley getting married last weekend we have been a little behind with Christmas decorating this year!!

Helping daddy walk around the tree putting up the lights!
Loved helping decorate!

Such a big helper!
Hanging one of daddy's Eagles's ornaments. Which later, I tried to take it off, dropped it and broke Santa's (decorated in Eagles attire) leg. Daddy had to glue it back on! We'll see how long it stays!
Dec. 20th:
I'm making MY list & checking it twice, before I go see Santa!
It was a very LONG wait (an hour & a half). Gee Gee & Daddy came to the rescue and helped me & Mommy out! Gee Gee went and got me a pretzel with cream cheese while daddy kept our spot in line!
Getting my "smile on" for Santa!
Finally, ready to tell Santa that I've been such a good girl!
Santa really listened to me while I told him that I wanted the American Girl Bitty Twins, and a tennis racquet with tennis balls!
Mommy was soooo relieved that I talked to Santa & sat so nicely! I guess last year (I don't remember, maybe blocked it out) I would not sit on his lap!
He told me that I was such a wonderful girl and a big helper! I'll sure be listening on Christmas eve for those jingle bells!!