July 30, 2011

The Fam

1st cook the brownies and then punch out little circles!

Then we made vanilla cupcakes and cut them in half to be the bun!
Then I helped smear different icing on to look like the ketchup, mustard, & lettuce.
These were soooo good!
Auntie loves ICE CREAM... so we made ice cream cones for her. It was really a cake ball instead of ice cream though! YUM!

 Ready to make chocolate chip cookies!
Hailee playing doll house with me!
My new smile!
I love GiGi!
Every time Mommy turned around someone was letting me eat a cake ball!

Smiling with Sarah!
Enjoying a popsicle with John John & Hailee!

The Grandkids!

July 27, 2011

Here & There in July!

July 3rd
Auntie bought me some farm animals to add to my barn... and I get to paint them!!
Working so hard!
Look'n good!
July 4th ~ Cooked out with the Fam at Gee Gee's House!
Chilling with my friends!
Kevin & Kelly's Birthday Party ~ Eating pizza with Hayden!July 12th
Stroll in the neighborhood!July 17th
Playing at the park!
July 19th
Slush Puppies Pops!
Blue Tongue!
July 20th
So tired! Cute dress from KyKy!
Making some soup!
Flinging the water out of the bowl!
July 22nd
Love my Train from Grandpa!

July 25, 2011

The Aquarium

July 25th
Loved the Aquarium!
Me & Daddy with Uncle Jay and Jimmy. Look at all those fish!

I really liked the Dolphin Show!
How can I swim in there?
Crawling thru the tunnel with Daddy to see the Penguins!
I showed Jimmy all around the Aquarium!
Going inside the tree with Mommy!
Pop Up!
What a FUN day! Good idea Grammie!