December 26, 2010

Christmas Time!

After tons of shopping & decorating, i sure am glad Christmas is finally here! We had Christmas Eve Dinner at my house and i got to open up my 1st present before i went to sleep. It was soft Christmas pajamas! Before i went to sleep, i laid out cookies for santa and carrots & celery for the reindeer. When i woke up the next morning, Santa came!! We spent Christmas morning at my house and everyone came over to see what Santa brought me! I loved all of my new toys! That afternoon we went over to Gramzee's house where we opened up more gifts and had Christmas dinner over there.

My 1st Christmas Eve
My ruffle booty tights!
Playing with Shel & Sky
The stockings are hung & ready to be filled!
Mommy's baby doll!
Grandpa came in town from Destin!
My Christmas Eve gift.
Christmas PJs to wear!
Getting a plate ready for Santa & the reindeer!
I'm watching & waiting....
Christmas Morning.... Look at all those presents Santa brought me!
Stocking Stuffers = Toys!!

My 1st sippy cup!
Drum roll please....
Santa is the BEST, a music table!
Daddy's little angel!
Santa wrote me a letter & said that i was a wonderful baby girl!
Kisses from Gramzee
Playing with Grammie
More presents at Gramzee's house
My first Madame Alexander Doll (Victoria). My mommy had one when she was little.
A quick fashion show before dinner....
My adorable outfit from my Auntie!!

Center of attention with Mommy & Daddy
I made ornaments with my handprint in them!